Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Reports generation with Selenium, JUNIT and ANT


Step1: Create two classes with first class having two test cases, second having one test case.  Create ”MyTestSuite”.


Step2: Go to Windows>Preferences and add the "JUNIT" jar through external jars as shown below.

Step3: On TestCases package, right click and select Export option

Step4: Select “ANT Build Files” and click Next
Step5: Select the project name and click “Finish”, The Build.xml file will be generated.


Step6: Open the build.xml and remove the Target xml section created for the first two classes. Don’t remove the MyTestSuite related Target. Save the file.
Step7: Right click on build.xml, select “Run As” and “Ant Build” option
Step8: Select “build[default], MyTestSuite, juintreport” and click “Run”.
Step9: MyTestSuite executes and report will be available in “junit” folder.
Step10: Open “Index.html” in Web Browser.
Step11: Click on “MyTestSuite” for detailed results.

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